Category: 3D Web design

24 Apr

3D Images are Competition

By Christopher McFarland A few have speculated that WebGL design is becoming a “critical” requirement for all Internet advertisements. I feel that WebGL design is “essential” for all Web experiences: not just for advertisement but also, for general surfing. Google has taken this idea of “essential” to the next level, providing users with an array […]

03 Apr

3D Immersion

Immersive virtual reality implies the detailed presentation of cyberspace to the user with the maximal use of their sensory organs.  In addition, the simulation of the user’s presence within the virtual cyberspace by means of accurate transmission of their movements. 3D immersion is a very popular trend today. Technologies that blur the line between physical […]

19 Mar

Web Good Looking

by Christopher McFarland WebGL, sounds like a new service plan from an Internet provider, but in reality WebGL will be what everyone drools over. Computer and technology giant Microsoft has already labeled the program ‘harmful’ to security, in a recent article. However, Apple has embraced WebGL, by allowing a usable platform on Safari. What would […]

15 Mar

Waiting For 3D Web

by Christopher McFarland 2012 has only just begun, the first month of new resolutions is over and the world is ready for a huge change! As a technical trend follower, some say geek, I do believe that a 3D Internet lifestyle is fast approaching. Maybe the huge change that has been predicted will be that […]

08 Mar

3D Web Design Technologies – The Future Begins Today

People become more and more dependent on various data and information not only at work, but also in their everyday life. Today our involvement within the IT-sphere is carried out not only via our PCs, but also through various gadgets, smart phones, communicators and other devices that have become an integral part of our life. […]