Intel Presented New 3D Technology

Intel recently announced the introduction of new 3D technology that would enable the use of voice, touch, gestures and other “human-like senses” in devices equipped with Intel microprocessors.
Intel recently announced the introduction of new 3D technology that would enable the use of voice, touch, gestures and other “human-like senses” in devices equipped with Intel microprocessors.
Researchers at HP lab have developed a new multi-angle 3D technology for mobile devices which allows for playing hologram-like videos without the need for any moving parts or glasses. The technology is a small 3D display that can produce full-parallax 3D images and videos that are viewable from up to a meter, within a 90-degree […]
Narenda Modi, an Indian politician, has begun to set a new course for political debate. Right on the heels of the American presidential elections, India is coming into its political season, although in a bit more high-tech style. For those of you who do not know Mr. Modi, or NaMo for short, he is the […]